BUSINESSES in Renfrewshire are being urged to sign up to a new accreditation that aims to reverse the trend of inactive workplaces.

Paths for All has created the Walk at Work Award to reward employers who are encouraging everyday walking.

With the average working-age adult sitting for 9.5 hours a day, the walking charity is keen to recognise employers who promote everyday walking and also offer guidance to those who want their workforce to become more active.

Lunchtime walks, ‘standing desks’ and promoting ways to get to work on foot will all count towards the award.

By signing up, employers will receive one-to-one support on how to create a walking culture at work, as well as examples of best practice and where to find extra resources.

Ian Findlay, chief officer at Paths for All, said: “Walking is one of the simplest and best things we can do for our physical and mental health. It’s free, you don’t need any special equipment and it can be easily incorporated into the average working day.”

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland (ICAS) is among the first businesses to sign up to the Walk at Work Award.

For more information or to register, call 01259 218888.