A warning has been issued about a group of synthetic opioids that have been found in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

Public Health Scotland's Rapid Action Drugs Alerts and Response (Radar) has released an alert for emergency services and drugs workers about nitazenes, which have been discovered across the country and in prisons.

According to Radar, the drug has been detected in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the health board that covers Renfrewshire, as well as Lothian and Grampian.

The alert claims most detections in Scotland were seen in fake oxycodone pills, sometimes stamped with an "M" or the number 30, while it has also been found in white paper form in prison seizures.

Drugs Minister Angela Constance said: "As a result of an increase in the availability of a new group of synthetic opioid drugs called nitazenes, Public Health Scotland has issued an alert so drug and alcohol services, emergency services, health care settings and high-risk settings are aware."

A report from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs last year suggested at least 24 deaths from nitazene substances in 2021, with the group suggesting the substances be considered Class A drugs.

The alert said: "Due to their unexpected presence in the drug supply and high potency, nitazenes pose a substantial risk of overdose, hospitalisation and death.

"PHS strongly recommends people do not take non-prescribed oxycodone tablets."