A NEW play inspired by a warm and welcoming Renfrewshire community is set to take to the stage next month.

The Scottish tour of 'Other Side of the River' will run from Friday, April 14 to Monday, May 8.

It tells the story of a kind-hearted community living in the fictional town of Ailm, which is based on the Ferguslie Park area of Paisley.

The play's characters are inspired by local residents such as taxi driver Patrick Kidd and Darkwood Crew member Terry McTernan.

In Motion Theatre, in conjunction with local food and community partners, are arranging pre-performance activities for the areas the play is due to visit.

These will include cooking classes for local residents to journalism sessions for high school pupils.

Lisa Nicoll, writer and director of the play, said: "The friendships and relationships I have gained in Ferguslie Park have allowed me to write the play that I wanted to write and the support of people there has been amazing and generous.

"There is no doubt that there are struggles and obstacles in life and in communities but it is about the attitude and resilience communities have to overcome these and how people pull together and make use of what they have.

"This is especially reflective with the current cost of living crisis and the things that Ferguslie Park are doing to help people in terms of food, clothing, activities and warm spaces."

The world premiere of 'Other Side of the River' will take place at The Tannahill Centre, in Paisley, on Friday, April 14, starting at 7pm.

For more information or to book, visit bit.ly/3JuK3h9.