AN Elderslie man who is battling a rare cancer is trying to raise £100,000 to help other people with the same condition.

Craig Speirs, 42, has been living with neuroendocrine cancer for the last decade and has already helped to coin in £54,000 through a series of charity events, including two Kiltwalks.

Now the married dad-of-two is to host a firewalk at Johnstone Bowling Club, which he hopes will bring in the six-figure sum.

The Gazette:

Little is known about neuroendocrine cancer, which only effects seven out of 100,000 people.

As a result of the disease, Craig has had two heart operations and gets weekly visits from a nurse to help with his medication.

He also speaks about his illness at medical conferences and attends the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, in Glasgow, every eight weeks.

The Gazette:

Craig said: “My cancer is ‘stage four’ and, at this point, we have no cure for myself, so I need multiple treatments every year just to regain some quality of life.

“I wanted to help in some way, so I became an ambassador for Neuroendocrine Cancer UK. They have helped educate me on my condition, link me up with other patients so we can support each other and learn how to live our lives as best we can.

“I now run one of these support groups in Glasgow, helping patients understand this life and how to manage it.

The Gazette:

“I decided I wanted to raise £100,000 to help with research into neuroendocrine cancer.”

After Craig was diagnosed, he had to give up his job as an area manager for a major security company.

“I was doing 14 and 15-hour days, which did not fit in with my cancer treatment, which is for life,” he said.

“My priority is to give me more time with my two children, who are 14 and seven.

“Neuroendocrine is a slow-growing cancer and it has spread to different organs in my body, including my stomach and liver.

“Unfortunately, at this point, there is no way of doing surgery to remove that, as it is too advanced in my body.

The Gazette:

“Treatments are very expensive and there are not many about.

“It is not about getting rid of the cancer but stopping it progressing any further.”

The firewalk will take place on November 10, when Craig will be joined by a number of friends, including Angela Hannam, as they ‘feel the burn’ by strolling over red-hot coals.

Craig said: “November 10 is special, as it’s international Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Day and we want to create maximum awareness through this event.

“My plan is to get 100 people to challenge themselves and walk on hot coals for charity.

“The event will be run by a firewalk instructor who will provide training on the night.

“We’ve had great interest so far but we’re still looking for more brave souls to challenge themselves.

“I will be walking on the night with my friends and hopefully we can smash our target.”

To check out Craig's fundraiser, click HERE.