A lifeline bus service could return to Gallowhill as proposals for a one-way traffic system are considered by the public.

McGill’s Buses removed the 64, which served Dundonald Road, Brewster Avenue, Montgomery Road and Knowe Road, earlier this year – citing “increasing difficulties” caused by parked vehicles.

The operator replaced it with the 61 and 7A but the withdrawal remained a blow for the community and, in particular, passengers with mobility issues.

However, plans have been developed for a one-way system in Gallowhill to make it easier for buses to navigate the route and allow McGill’s to reinstate the 64 service from the area through Paisley to Phoenix Retail Park.

The news has been welcomed by disabled grandmother Linda Stenhouse who has petitioned to save the 64, having used it to access healthcare and leisure facilities and visit loved ones.

Linda, who lives with spinal muscular atrophy, said: “Personally, for myself and for many of the other people I have spoken to through the petition, we are over the moon. If these changes lead to reinstating the number 64 it would be a fabulous thing.

“As I understand it, the consultation says that the traffic will be one way but residents will still be able to park. That for me is ideal, it’s the perfect solution.”

The one-way route would start and finish on Netherhill Road moving clockwise on Dundonald Road, Brewster Avenue, Montgomery Road, Netherhill Cottages, Knowe Road, Motehill Road and Marjory Drive.

One-way traffic signs would be displayed along the route.

Councillor Jim Paterson, an SNP representative for the area, said: “McGill’s have advised that it is access issues that resulted in this area of Gallowhill having their bus service withdrawn.

“I am pleased that they have agreed to reinstate the service should a one-way system be introduced but that requires community agreement.

“I would encourage all Gallowhill residents to respond to the consultation.”

Councillor Cathy McEwan, his ward and party colleague, added: “The decision by McGill’s to not include the Gallowhill loop in their 61 service was a blow to the community, many of whom rely on public transport.

“I am pleased that the roads department has drafted proposals that could see it return to the area if implemented.”

A McGill’s spokesperson said this week: “When the 64 service was truncated in Gallowhill, we stated that we would be willing to resume the route if access and parking issues were addressed by Renfrewshire Council.

“We’re pleased to see these proposals brought forward and should they be successfully introduced, including reasonable car parking controls, we would be happy to reintroduce a bus service along this route.”

A council spokesperson added: “We are consulting on a proposed one-way traffic system in Gallowhill that would make it easier for buses to navigate the route and want to hear the views of local residents.”

People can share their views on the proposals by Friday, November 10, by emailing ei@renfrewshire.gov.uk, phoning 0300 300 0380 or writing to environment, housing and infrastructure at Renfrewshire House.