Repair works set to begin in Bridge of Weir have been postponed due to 'Arctic winds'

We previously reported that drivers were set to face disruption on Main Street with Scottish Waters installing two-way traffic lights for four days from Tuesday, January 15 until Friday, January 19.

Now, the works have been delayed until Monday, January 22 due to current weather warnings of bitterly cold Arctic winds bringing snow and ice. 

READ NEXT: Residential road set to be closed for 10 days.

There had been an issue with wastewater flooding from a manhole in the village during periods of heavy rainfall for a number of years.

The repairs aim to alleviate sewer flooding in Bridge of Weir as the project looks to deliver a "significant long-term benefit" to the village and the local community.

And the project has seen the installation of a larger sewer in Mill Brae and a section on Main Street opposite the Amaretto restaurant.