Renfrewshire Council looks set to grant a contract of nearly £3 million for the revitalisation of St James’ playing field.

The £2.9m contract, which could be awarded to SKW Construction Ltd, involves the construction of modular pavilions to house changing rooms for visiting football teams.

It is anticipated that the contract will commence on March 18, 2024, and be completed by November 28, 2024.

Councillor Kenny MacLaren said: "This is good news for the Racecourse and I look forward to the new changing rooms bringing the Racecourse back to life.

“The Racecourse has a great history as the cornerstone of football in Paisley. There used to be plenty of pitches there but unfortunately, a good part of the land was destroyed by the exploratory drilling for the proposed Glasgow Airport Rail Link when Labour were in power.

“It’s taken a while to get the green light on this investment but it will be welcomed by everyone who has memories of playing at the Racecourse – including myself.”

The modular buildings will be used as changing pavilions on the existing St James’ site and car parking and landscaping are also included as part of the contract.

Councillor Mags MacLaren said: "There was an issue with the original plans to build the changing rooms pavilion due to the massive surge in building costs since Brexit and Covid.

"However, the council has found additional funds to ensure that this project goes ahead.

“Here’s hoping that bringing football back to the Racecourse can unearth some new footballing talent – especially if they sign up for St Mirren.”