McGill’s Group is holding a recruitment open day in Johnstone as they aim to get more women to consider a career as a bus driver.

The ‘Women at the Wheel,’ event will be held at the Johnstone depot on Cochranemill Road on February 10, from 10am until 2pm. 

Natasha Barr, a driver with McGill’s, said: "I started as a driver three years ago, and it's been the most rewarding career.

"We have a great bunch of colleagues at McGill’s and I also enjoy interacting with the public. The sense of community and the responsibility of getting people where they need to go is very fulfilling.

"I encourage other women to give it a try – you might surprise yourself."

Alex Hornby, managing director at McGill’s Group, said the company wanted to tackle the stereotype on behalf of the sector and encourage more women to think about driving as a career.

He added: "This event is about showcasing the opportunities and benefits of a career behind the wheel as we seek more bus drivers to join McGill’s Group.

"We believe the sector is missing out on a significant pool of talent by not doing enough to encourage women to consider bus driving and we want to play a large part in changing that.

“Bus driving was historically seen as a man’s job but it is simply not true at McGill’s. We already have a great pool of female colleagues at the company, including many drivers, and we want to retain and build on that.

"We also want to be able to reflect the diversity that exists within our customer base and communities."

Alongside shedding light on the career possibilities, the open days will also provide a look into the flexible training options available through its Training Academy.