A Renfrewshire group are looking to bring back popular board games within the community.

The warm, friendly group, known as the Renfrewshire Board Gamers, meet up every month at RNG Games (formerly known as Comicrazy Cafe) on Old Sneddon Street in Paisley.

The club, which was formed in June of 2023, was founded by Amy Morrison and Rachael Smith.

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The Gazette: Mike Sum and Rachael Smith Mike Sum and Rachael Smith (Image: Supplied)

The Gazette:

It is a free-to-attend event where the aim is to bring like-minded people with a love of board games together.

Along with Amy and Rachael, Mike Sum helps run the meet-ups.

Rachael says that being part of the group is really good fun and that Amy, who first suggested the idea, wanted to try and meet new people after just moving to Paisley.

She said: "It’s wonderful to see such a mix of people come together from all ages and backgrounds to share their love of board games together in one place.

"We always have a fun night and there’s usually lots of laughter.

"The group is for people of all ages, whether you are young, old, never have played board games before or you love them, this group is welcome to all.

"Amy had stuck a message in a Facebook group that I was in saying she was looking for a new group to join regarding board games.

"She was really the person who started it and I tagged along.

"Setting up the group was an idea as there didn't seem to be one.

"From there, we now have a strong core of regulars that come and go every month and it is always great to meet up."

The Gazette:

The Gazette:

The Gazette:

The group currently sees anywhere between 10 to 25 people coming to their monthly meet-ups.

With people working from home more regularly than before, Rachael admits that it is a good escape from the house.

The next meet-up for the group is on Sunday, June 2 at 2pm.

Rachael, who works in HR, went on to say: "The reason I got involved was I have always loved playing board games but had no one really to play them with.

"When I was a wee girl my mum would always give us a good board game at Christmas time and we would play them that day.

"But then they would go back in the cupboard.

"I am a certified mental health first aider and my job is in human resources so I am always trying to think of things that will help bring people together.

"I work from home four days a week too so I understand the feeling that comes along with that.

"It is a group that anyone can come along to should they wish and feel free to get in touch through our Facebook group - Renfrewshire Board Gamers - and bring along any games you would like to play!"