A Renfrew man has uncovered a piece of history after stumbling across an ancient ring that dates back to the 16th century.

Dave Greenwood, a keen metal detectorist, uncovered a gold posy ring when searching on a farm in Renfrewshire.

The rings were popular during the 15th and 17th centuries and were given as a token of love between two people.

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The Gazette:

The Gazette:

Inside the ring, Dave found a double-lined inscription that read: "In hope of love I give you this." 

Whereas the outside of the ring was described to have been "quite decorated".

The keen metal detectorist said that finding the ring was a "shock".

He said: "When I first found it I thought it might have been just a normal ring.

"But I was like 'that is not right' when I was looking at it because the ring was still perfectly intact.

"I am used to finding a few coins or bits of old furniture - not something that is from over 500 years ago!"

The Gazette: Dave's find was captured on his friends GoProDave's find was captured on his friends GoPro (Image: Supplied)

Dave went on to explain the reaction when he found it.

He said: "I told my mate that I had found this ring and he started shaking and he gave me a kiss on the head.

"That was when he told me that I had found a gold posy ring.

"He (Dave's friend) has been doing it for years and he hadn't found anything like that and I had only done it a year or so.

"So, it was quite a big find."

The Gazette: Dave Greenwood with his metal detector Dave Greenwood with his metal detector (Image: Anthony Flett)

The Gazette:

Dave said that the ring is now in possession of the National Museum of Scotland after he handed it into the Treasure Trove in Edinburgh.

The 45-year-old says that the ring has been claimed as treasure, with staff at the museum in the process of finding its history - as "nothing too similar" has been found before.

Dave went on to say: "It was about 12 inches underground and it could have been there since it was lost all those years ago.

"And if you think about all the things that will have happened over the course of time and in the area, it's amazing to still be there.

"I am still surprised and shocked that I found this but really happy that I have done so.

"I never thought I would find anything like this.

"The overriding emotion in me is feeling excited and I can't wait to hear about the outcome of the ring after the museum researches it further."