A Paisley woman will fight in a charity boxing match in honour of her dad. 

Lisa Brown, 35, will be taking part in an event by Ultra White Collar Boxing (UWCB) in memory of her dad, Ian Brown, who passed away in 2021.

Ian was staying at ACCORD Hospice, a Paisley-based charity, where he battled with oesophageal cancer.

Lisa said: “He received high-quality end-of-life care and was treated with great compassion.

“My dad was a kind and gentle person who also loved trying out new sports.

“I have childhood memories of my dad staying up late to watch the boxing, so I’m sure he would be delighted to see his daughter in the ring.”

The Gazette: ACCORD Hospice was created in 1982 and provides free end-of-life care for people living in Renfrewshire and parts of East Renfrewshire.

It is a sector that relies heavily on donations as it does not receive all the funds it requires from the government.

Lisa hopes to add to the generous donations she has already received from locals and corporate sponsors including Two Towns Down Brewing in Paisley.

She explained: “Hospices are having to rely on donations more than ever. 

"Without funding, we wouldn’t have specialised end-of-life care, which is a scary thought.

“They fought for my dad and now I want to fight for them”.

This is the first time Lisa will step into the boxing ring and will endure an eight-week intensive training camp before the big day.

Despite it being a “completely new and daunting experience”, Lisa is excited to push herself out of her comfort zone for a good cause.

UWCB boxing matches have raised nearly £30 million since it began in 2009 from over a million donations.

The match will take place on July 21 at the Normandy Hotel in Renfrew.

Tickets for the match are available from May 24 and Lisa has set up a JustGiving page for any extra donations.

To donate, visit justgiving.com/page/l-brown-1714128168628.