An SNP politician has stepped aside as a member of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Integration Joint Board (IJB) – describing her time on the key decision-making body as a “privilege”.

Depute council leader Jacqueline Cameron, her party’s candidate for Paisley and Renfrewshire South in July’s General Election, was replaced by her colleague Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes on the IJB earlier this month.

Councillor Cameron, who represents Johnstone South and Elderslie, is a former chair of the IJB, which has responsibility for oversight of the health and social care partnership (HSCP).

The Gazette:

In a statement, the elected member, who learned about her Westminster selection days after the passing of her mum Margaret in October, explained why she has left the IJB.

She said: “Despite the perception that being a councillor is a part-time role, I am sure all my councillor colleagues will agree it is a very demanding role, particularly when you are in administration.

“When I became the SNP prospective parliamentary candidate for Paisley and Renfrewshire South I knew that I would have to dedicate a lot of my own time to my campaign.

“In addition, after losing my mum last year, my dad, although fairly independent, needs some help around the house, so I have continued caring responsibilities. It is for this reason that I resigned from my job in Public Health Scotland in March.

“Recently, we had discussions within our group around the number of boards each elected member is on. It was agreed that for parity we would have a reshuffle and Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes, who was previously an IJB member, agreed to take on the role.

“It has been a privilege chairing and being a member of the IJB. The HSCP officers and staff are so dedicated and committed to the job they do.

“I was very proud of the HSCP officers and staff who gave their all to the people of Renfrewshire during the pandemic and it was an honour to chair that board at that time and support the IJB to navigate an unprecedented time.”

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Councillor Cameron has been involved in a number of high-profile decisions on the IJB recently.

In April, she voted to reject a proposal to merge Mirin and Milldale day centres for adults with learning disabilities and in March to approve the closure of Montrose Care Home in Paisley.

She added: “I will miss the IJB board, but remain on the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde board, so will still have connections with IJB members and will be on hand to support my council colleagues.”

If elected in July, she will replace the outgoing Mhairi Black MP.