Plans have been submitted to Renfrewshire Council to build 48 flats with associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping in Paisley.

The applicant Westpoint Homes Ltd hopes to create the development in Maxwellton Street.

The site previously accommodated the building of the former Ferguslie Mill Half Time School and has been the subject of several other planning applications, including most recently an application to build 40 flats which was refused in March 2018.

After various changes of use, building fires and two decades of dereliction, the school building was demolished in 2019, following the granting of Listed Building Consent in 2018.

The proposed residential development would be comprised of two blocks of flats, vehicular access from Maxwellton Road, pedestrian access from Maxwellton Road and Maxwellton Street, and 38 parking spaces including two accessible spaces.

A total of 48 cycle parking spaces in a store separate to the blocks of flats are also included in the plans, which are currently awaiting decision.

Landscaping would include the retention of several existing mature trees around the boundary, in addition to new tree planting.