A pumpkin-picking patch just meters away from Glasgow Airport could hold the key to Hallowe'en's decoration problems. 

Located in Renfrew, East Yonderton Farm opened its doors last weekend (Saturday, October 14) for Hallowe'en enthusiasts.

On what was a brisk Sunday morning, I got layered up to combat the cold October breeze before heading to Renfrewshire with my partner. 

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Having booked a place in advance over the phone, we arrived at the farm just before 12pm with plenty of parking places to choose from.

Decorated with spooky festive gear such as witches, cobwebs and even a half-buried skeleton who looked like the cold got to them, the farm really did capture the Hallowe'en mood.

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Upon entering the patch, a staff member with a quad bike and trailer gave us two bags to put our selections in - along with a wheelbarrow if needed.

We were spoiled with choice when it came to the sizes of the pumpkins as we could get ones that would fit in the palm of our hand or ones that would require a lift back to the car.

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And one thing that we loved to see was the selection of different colours of pumpkins. You could choose whatever tickles your fancy, whether that be the standard bright orange, ice-cold white or even oddly-coloured green ones.

In terms of prices, unlike some places we have visited at this time of year, East Yonderton Farm offers you £1.25 per kg which we agreed was much fairer than going with the size of the pumpkin on a scale of small, medium and large. 

It felt like you were getting more bang for your pumpkin. 

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On the way out or depending on the order you wanted to do it, there was an option to dig up potatoes that would be great for your dinner. 

Also, beside the potato farm were some photo opportunities with a tractor, that we felt we had to take advantage of, as well as some hay bales and a scarecrow. 

At the pay point, we had the option to wash our pumpkins if we wished as well as some wipes to clear the dirt off your shoes/boots.

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After picking up four pumpkins for what seemed like an hour of looking for the perfect ones, the final price came just above £17, with an extra £3 added on top for a bag of 5kg for some pre-picked potatoes and £2 for parking - totalling £22.

For a place so close to the airport, and 15 minutes away from Glasgow city centre and easily accessible, it was an experience that was really enjoyable and we would be eager to return again before Hallowe'en is out.