For the past five decades, Johnstone residents have been able to hop on board the service which provides them with a direct link from Cochrane Castle and Johnstone Castle to Paisley and Glasgow.

However, bus bosses at McGills have claimed there are no longer enough people using the number 38, so changes are being made to cut down on costs.

The service will be withdrawn in February between 9am and 4pm — leaving local commuters in “misery” over the decision.

Bus user Rosemary McCLelland, of Johnstone, said: “I am very disappointed about this decision and I have already written to McGills to voice my views about this decision which will cause travel misery for many people. I use that service regularly to access services in Paisley and to shop in Glasgow.” During a meeting of the Cochrane Castle Tenants and Resident Association on December 19, a senior manager from McGills made the shock announcement that they would be withdrawing the service.

Three local Labour councillors — Iain McMillan, John Caldwell and John Hood — were all at the meeting and have vowed to do all they can to ensure the well-established route continues.

Local Councillor John Hood — who also uses the bus service — said: “The community is very angry about this. The next day I organised a meeting involving council officials, fellow councillors and Hugh Henry MSP.

“We are gathering information and are demanding an early meeting with SPT and McGills themselves.” Residents have said the removal of the service will not only affect elderly people and pram users in Johnstone, but also children coming home after attending Johnstone High school.

A spokeswoman for the bus firm, said that from February 10, 2014, McGill’s will instead introduce a new number six service, which will operate between Johnstone Castle, Cochrane Castle and the Morrisons supermarket in Johnstone town centre, However Elizabeth Cosgrove, treasurer of Cochrane Castle Tenants and Residents Association, said the number six would provide no benefit to those travelling into Paisley or Glasgow.

She added: “They dropped a bombshell at our meeting telling us the services would be withdrawn. We had always been told there would be a number six that would run in Johnstone, however we thought this would be in addition to the number 38 — which we have now found out is not the case. The number six only goes through Johnstone, meaning that anyone hoping to travel to Glasgow or Paisley will have to get off and get another bus. It will also mean elderly people with appointments at the Southern General Hospital will have to get three or four buses there — it’s ridiculous.

“This decision is not satisfactory for the people of Johnstone at all.” However bosses at McGills defended the changes, saying: “The decision was made based on low passenger numbers outwith the peak and also an examination of the journey patterns of those using the current 38 service off-peak. We have made a route change to its off-peak journeys only. Early morning and afternoon peak journeys Monday to Saturday, evenings journeys and Sunday journeys all remain the same. The amendment will ensure journeys between Johnstone High School and the Castle continue.”