JOHNSTONE Gala Day is set to go ahead after long-awaited work on Thomas Shanks Park was completed.

As previously reported in The Gazette, there were concerns the event, due to take place in August, would have to be relocated or cancelled if repairs weren’t carried out in time.

READ MORE: Johnstone Gala Day organisers confident annual event is back on track

However, Renfrewshire Council has now fixed the paths in the park which had caused the concern and organisers say the event will proceed on Sunday, August 25.

READ MORE: Johnstone Gala Day faces uncertain future as park awaits much-needed repairs

Councillor John Hood, who had raised concerns over the paths, said: “I am chuffed to see they have been fixed and especially delighted that Johnstone Gala Day will go ahead.”

Anyone who would like to book a stall at the event should email

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